Since 1907, we have created a large number of general industrial machinery.
Currently, we are manufacturing business of general machinery in Ota, Gunma Prefecture.
We receive high customer satisfaction in the business for a long time.
The automotive industry has strongly demanded the production equipment that combines high accuracy and high productivity at a low price.
Emerging countries are asked to low-cost production facilities, and we expect it to continue to increase in the future.
We offer a quick and stable product with the latest equipment. And we aim to continue to increase the development as an international engineering company.
We further satisfy customers in the future, we will aim to be a company that you can always create new value in manufacturing.
We will continue to aim to be a company that can create always new value in manufacturing for customer satisfaction.
<Registration web site>
J-GoodTech(Website for Connecting
Leading Companies with Japanese Innovation)
Gunma’s Manufacturing Technologies
(Company search&ordering assistance website)
<株式会社 柳田鉄工所>
TEL: 0276-45-4411
FAX: 0276-45-4405
営業時間 8:00 ~ 16:45(月〜金)
Yanagita Iron Works Co., Ltd.
2707 Yaba machi, Ota city,
Gunma prefecture,JAPAN